

I've always loved writing but I was never really a fan of blogging.
But here I am starting a blog.
I used to blog a little bit in college, but it was more of an online journal full of private thoughts that I probably shouldn't have shared anyway. Cool. Done with that.

The reason I wanted to start this blog was to make a sort of writing exercise for me. I love writing but I don't write enough. This is sort of a way to get me to start writing more often.

I've always heard that I should try to write about what I know. When I do this I tend to make things that are closer to private journal entries than to the short stories I wish I were writing.

This blog is going to open up a window into my life. This will give me things to start writing about. This blog is about the things I know. The things around me. More specifically, the objects that surround me.

And I know people surround me but what people think about other people can be too candid sometimes. I'll save that for my secret journalthingyorsomething. I also hate blogs because I don't read anybody else's. Its the whole 'show me yours and i'll show you mine' type-a-thing going on. I barely read the stuff I write. I wish I did read yours. Sorry, I don't. Maybe I will now though, not so you read mine, but to better understand how this thing works.

Humans are different from animals in the way they act and react to the objects around them. Computers and media, houses and cars, tables and chairs, pillows and blankets, soap and deodorant, and so on. This has always fascinated me. The way we interact with the objects around us. The way the objects around us effect who we are.

I intend to choose an object in my life, in my apartment, or my parents house, or what have you, and use it as a stepping stool to open my mind and get myself to start writing. Hopefully it will help me better get to know myself, both as a person and as a writer. But also I want to get to know you, the people around me, both in my life or even some strangers. How my objects around me speak to you, both specifically (that object, my object) and generally (an object of a similar nature that you may have in your life that also speaks to you).

I have always had a spotty memory. Sometimes I can rant and rave and go on and spout off for a while about an object. I plan on being specific about what the object is to me in my life, and also what the object is in general. Hopefully this writing will help me jog my memory and better get to know what the hell is going on around me. But who knows, maybe I will deconstruct my life so much that all the stuff around me will just become the sums of their parts and no longer the memories and ideas associated with them.

I've always been afraid of my audiences when writing. Depending on who reads a piece of my work, they will get different ideas from it. They will not understand what I intended to say and my word will be misinterpreted or used against me somehow. That's one of the things that shut me up from writing for a while. Worrying about the audience, who I was writing to, what one person would think about what I said. I think this blog will help me throw that fear out the window. I am looking for differing perspectives. And I also hope to write without consequences. I hope that my writings will be specific enough to keep you and me entertained, but vague enough to remove me from any negative consequences.

I tend to think in phrases. Short Vonnegut style passages or as in song lyrics. I will hopefully attempt to keep a monologue going instead of a stand up comedy style patched together delivery.

I'd joked in college when people asked what I was going do after I graduated. I'd respond "I'm going to drink wine by the gallon and write poetry in my parents basement." I've always had the understanding that most writers were drunks, and I sometimes believe that I am more open and pure when I've had a few. I'm sure in the end this will be good for me instead of turn me into a failed drunk who writes sometimes. Am I proud of this intro? No. I don't feel I'm of the right mindset to write right now. I cannot fully explain what is going on in my head. Will that stop me from trying or will that discourage me from writing or will I not press publish post? No. Go for it kiddo. Exercise away.

Who knows really. All this stuff here is just a bunch of words and ideas. Not specific things. So here we go...

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